Office Space

Why Companies Prefer Open Spaces Over Corner Offices

Work is becoming increasingly multi-disciplinary, which is why more and more companies are transforming their intimidating corner offices into more…

6 years ago

How Different Genres of Music Impact Work Productivity

A lot of people enjoy listening to music while working because it helps them focus on their task. Recent research…

6 years ago

What You Eat Can Affect Your Productivity at Work

Have you been less productive and distracted at work lately? It could be due to your diet. Research suggests there’s…

6 years ago

Gig Economy: Reshaping the Workforce and the Workplace

Today’s work arrangements are no longer limited to the full-time, 9-to-5 type of employment. Unconventional gigs like part-time and freelance…

6 years ago

4 Ways to Improve Employee Experience

The success and sustainability of a business depends on a variety of factors, one of which involves the overall experience…

6 years ago