A hybrid work setup offers several benefits to companies and employees. However, it also poses challenges when teams have to plan for projects. Virtual meetings are convenient in some ways, but sometimes there’s much to be missed in face-to-face brainstorming sessions.
In this post, Connecticut Business Centers — a reputable office space solutions provider — shares tips on how to foster innovation in a hybrid office.
Get the Right People
When brainstorming ideas, focus on quality instead of quantity. You should also aim for inclusion. Create the right mix of experts and others with unconventional ideas to help your team during online focus group discussions.
Ensure Everyone Is Prepared
Set goals for your meetings. Ensure everyone is in the loop and understands some key technical terms. It’s also important for your team members to know the strategies the company has tried before and other crucial details before a brainstorming session begins.
Find the Right Facilitator
A facilitator ensures everyone moves and steers back into the brainstorming’s objectives. They ensure everyone can contribute and discuss their ideas with enough time and detail. You can find a pool of trained facilitators outside your company or train individuals with an aptitude for leadership to become facilitators.
Set Communication Parameters
Whether in a virtual or physical office space, your brainstorming session should be a safe space that welcomes ideas. Those who are uncomfortable expressing themselves need to feel encouraged to share their ideas. They will be reluctant to share their thoughts if you have a strict style or if there is favoritism in the office.
Keep Everyone on the Same Page
Introduce everyone to the goal, context and limitations of the brainstorming session. Then, your facilitator can ask questions to generate ideas and explore options. Most discussion platforms let you record your brainstorming sessions for future reference.
Connecticut Business Centers is trusted by many companies with their office space needs. With over 20 years of experience in providing workspace solutions, we’re confident we can meet your requirements. Call (203) 359-5600 or fill out this contact form to get started. We proudly serve clients in Stamford, CT, and nearby areas.